a limited liability partnership and a Member Firm of MIA

Mr. CHONG Kong Hui is currently a Member of Malaysian Institute of Accountants (MIA) since year 2005. He was licensed by Ministry of Finance as GST Tax Agent in year 2015. Prior to year 2019, Mr Chong also involved in Financial Planning Services and was member of Malaysian Financial Planning Council and Financial Planning Association Malaysia.
He graduated from Kolej Tunku Abdul Rahman in year 2000 and was admitted as Member of Association of Chartered Certified Accountants (ACCA) in year 2005 and was admitted as Fellow Member (FCCA) in year 2010.
He is proficient and well versed in accounting, business and finance matters as he has served various positions from Accounts Manager in Accounting Firm, Accountant to Group Finance Manager in various companies including listed companies in Main Board in past 20 years.
Currently Mr. Chong is the Managing Partner of CHONG ACCOUNTING PLT, a MIA member firm (non-Audit) and also Managing Partner of CNPS Advisory PLT, a business advisory firm.
In year 2019, Mr. Chong has been approved by SSM to act as Company Secretary under Companies Act 2016.
In August 2018, he has obtained the Practicing Certificate from MIA.

As a member of professional body, Malaysian Institute of Accountants (MIA), he commits to continuous professional development and attending relevant courses, seminars and forums from time to time.