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  • ChongAccounting

CP204 (income tax prepayment / installment) for LLP ?

#LLP is Limited Liability Partnership.

Many LLP partners are not aware the tax compliance requirement for LLP.

Some thought #CP204 is for SDN BHD only.

Tax treatment for SDN BHD and LLP are 'almost' identical in many aspect, thus for CP204 tax estimate, they are the same. Please take note. Non-compliance = Fine / Penalty.


LLP Partner or Compliance Officer should appoint a tax agent OR learn how to do it online.

  1. Apply e-Filing Organisasi from LHDN (using Form CP55B [2019])

  2. May need to attach a Letter of Authorisation accompanying CP55B

LHDN CP55B_Pin2019
Download PDF • 113KB

Relevant Public Ruling No 8/2014 Basis Period of a Company, Limited Liability Partnership, Trust Body and Co-Operative Society.

No 8/2019 Notification of Change of Accounting Period a Company, Limited Liability Partnership, Trust Body and Co-Operative Society.

LHDN PR_08_2019
Download PDF • 513KB
PR2014_8 Basis Period
Download PDF • 256KB

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