Unlike Zoom or Google Meet, TEAMS is more than just a video conference tool.
Therefore, you will need to register yourself (like have an account) in order to use TEAMS. Thus it takes more than just a click.
For your information, millions are now using Microsoft Teams, including KPMG and EY in Malaysia, and of course, CHONG ACCOUNTING and CNPS Group. MIA also use Microsoft Teams to deliver Webinar sessions.
Simple 123 Steps
Step 1 - Register Yourself An Microsoft Account
Once you receive the email invitation, just click on the "Open Microsoft Teams"

Then, you just need to
a) create a password (please remember it)(min 8-Character and Case-Sensitive like pASSWord or ILoveMalaysia)
b) choose your Display Name (what you want others to see), best is your name e.g. Micahel, Steven Lim, or Chong Kong Hui.

Step 2 - Verify Your Account
Check your mailbox for a 6-digit Verification Code sent by Microsoft
Enter into the box as below screen, then click "Finish"

Then, accept the Invitation

Step 3 - Launch
You will have 2 choices here
Use a Desktop version or Web-verion
Option A - download and install the software (Microsoft Teams) in your laptop/desktop
Option B - "Join on the web instead" (using browser like Chrome, Microsoft Edge)
Option C - if you already have Microsoft Teams installed.

To install Microsoft Teams, click below link
How does it looks ??
Join in as Guest

Go to "Teams" Chat can be 1-to-1 with any members

you can chat 1-to-1 or 1-to-Group in the Chat room
